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I’ve always loved to read (surprise, surprise, I know). Books have helped me become more well versed in topics that I am interested in, become more educated on topics that I knew little about, and they have helped me better understand perspectives besides my own. In fact, it was a book that got me interested in environmentalism: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (which I cannot recommend more!)

But when I started Package Free, I found myself reading less because most of my free time was filled with building the business or going to business related events.

Since quarantine, I’ve had more time to myself aka I’m finally getting to some of the books that have been piling up in my apartment. In case you’re looking to add to your summer reading list, here is what’s on mine…

Here’s what’s on my summer reading list:

✔️ My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh

I imagine this book will hit close to home because it’s about someone who stays indoors for a year. A friend of mine lent it to me before quarantine started!

✔️ Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard

The founder of Patagonia shares his experiences as an entrepreneur and his perspectives on how businesses should operate within the natural environment.

✔️ Shoe Dog by Phil Knight 

The creator of Nike illuminates his company’s early days and its evolution into one of the world’s most iconic brands.

✔️ Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer⁠

As a botanist and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Kimmerer shows how other living beings (like strawberries, algae, and sweetgrass) can teach us life lessons.

✔️ Silo – The Zero Waste Blueprint by Doug McMaster (Psst. We sell this at Package Free)

In his book, Douglas discusses the future of food (think: moving away from over processed food towards cleaner farming) and shares some incredible Zero Waste recipes! A must read for foodies and low wasters alike.

✔️ Astro Poets by Dorothea Lasky and Alex Dimitrov

Dorothea was my poetry teacher at NYU (Did you know I studied poetry as a minor in college!?) 

Looking for more book suggestions? Checkout My Ultimate Reading List. These books really changed the way that I think about environmental sustainability, and I cannot recommend them enough.

How to Access Books More Sustainably:

If your local library is open, I suggest looking there first. Or see if you can borrow from a friend (sharing is caring). But if you’re looking to purchase a book, there are a few options that I recommend…

  1. Shop secondhand. Tip: If you’re buying secondhand books online, ask the seller if they can package it plastic free (like in an envelope instead of a plastic mailer). Usually, they are happy to accommodate!
  2. If you own an e-reader, e-books are a great option.
  3. Audiobooks are also a great Zero Waste option, plus you can multitask while listening—and who doesn’t love that?
  4. Look for a local or online BIPOC-owned bookstore to support (here are 22 Black-owned online bookshops).

What books have you been enjoying lately? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to add to my list.


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